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Scientists Reveal Top Traits to Master the Art of Flirting

Art of Flirting  – If you want to impress your date, scientists have uncovered the secrets of successful flirting. These secrets range from the ‘Please like me’ smile to the gentle approach. They are backed by decades of research and may even help you land a date in the first place. In addition to these secrets, you should know that women often feel threatened when they are flirting with a man. Read on to discover more!

‘Please like me’ smile

Scientists have revealed the traits most effective in flirting. In a recent study, they studied 47 traits to find out which were most effective for attracting women. These traits included good looks, intelligence, and humour. Of the four, humour was ranked highest. But how do you master this skill? You can follow these tips from scientists. The research could change the way you meet women forever.

One of the most important traits of a flirt is self-confidence. Confidence is a key trait in flirting, so be confident in yourself and own your style. Flirting may seem cheesy and dorky at first, but with the right attitude, you can make yourself charming. Here are some tips to master flirting:

Art of Flirting

Art of Flirting

‘gentle approach’

There are several different ways to approach someone who you’d like to get close to. One way is to develop a friendly relationship. You can act as if you’re destined to meet this person. You can lull them into a comfortable feeling and then strike when they’re ready. You can also learn valuable information about your target by chatting to them in a friendly manner. Keeping this in mind, you can be assured that they’ll be more comfortable around you, reducing their resistance and lowering tensions between you and them.


Humour can be a great tool for flirting, especially if you know how to make others laugh. A good joke about yourself is an easy way to show that you have a sense of humour about yourself and that you can take a joke Art of Flirting. But be careful what you joke about, as this can be construed as a sign of low self-esteem and may lead to false assumptions about your ability to handle ribbing.

Using humour to flirt with a man is not always effective. If you use too much humour, you might end up turning off your date or making them feel embarrassed. Signs of boredom include feet turning away from you, forced smiles, decreased eye-contact, and verbal attention-signals Art of Flirting. Fidgeting and defensive arm-crossing are also signs that you may be using too much humour.

Art of Flirting