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Six Things You Should Never Say to a Guy in Bed

Never Say to a Guy  – Women often ask men what makes them queasy. But men are more sensitive than women, and they’re far better at burying these worries. Here are six things that can make men queasy, and never say them to a man in bed. If they make you queasy, you probably aren’t worth his time. If you’re still wondering what to say to a guy, keep reading to discover exactly what to avoid!The six things you should never say to a guy in bed

Shut up

One of the best ways to win your man’s affection is to learn to shut up when talking to him in bed. Whether you’re talking about your parents, your siblings, or your children is completely inappropriate. You’ll be provoking negative mental images and manipulating him if you talk about them. And no one wants to be around a creepy, dirty talker. If you do decide to talk about your parents in bed, make sure you’re using your voice, and don’t yell or shout at him.

Don’t ask a dad if he knows how to change a diaper

The stereotype that dads are incapable of changing a diaper is deep rooted in society. While men aren’t supposed to change their child’s diapers, the reality is that babies do poop and have accidents no matter who’s watching Never Say to a Guy. A recent Reddit post illustrates that the stereotype is far from true. One dad even went to the men’s bathroom to change his child’s diaper.

One way to make changing a baby’s diapers a fun event is to involve the baby in the process. He can sing funny songs and make funny faces with the baby. He can also be the leader of the bedtime routine, putting baby to sleep and soothing him when the baby cries. By engaging with your baby, you’ll be teaching them about the world around them and building trust Never Say to a Guy.

Never Say to a Guy
Never Say to a Guy

Don’t ask him if he knows how to change a diaper

When it comes to a child’s attitude toward diaper changing, timing is everything. If you rush through the process, he or she will likely view it as something to dread. Instead, treat diaper changing as a fun, intimate time with you. Use positive language and music, be silly and play make-believe to make the experience as pleasurable as possible.

Before you begin, remember that he has a mind and will probably be able to communicate, but the fact of the matter is that he or she will be unable to change the diaper on his or her own. Oftentimes, the person who’s bedridden is in complete denial. That’s why the diaper-changing experience is a precious one.

If he has never done it before, start by doing it as an activity. Make the process more exciting by using a 3-2-1 liftoff game. For example, pretend that you are a rocket astronaut and land your baby on a changing pad. You can also play peek-a-boo while changing the diaper or blow raspberries on his belly. You can also sing a specific song for diaper changing so that he doesn’t feel pushed or intimidated.

You should not make diaper changing a battle. If he won’t agree to do it, you’ll just end up holding him down while you remove his clothes. That’s not the best foundation for consent. You won’t win a power struggle over someone else’s body. If he won’t cooperate with the process, you should move on to a different approach.

Never Say to a Guy