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What Men Really Want – 4 Ways to Create an Attractive Relationship That Will Last

Have you ever wondered, “What do men really want?” It’s always an interesting question to ask, as our male instincts and motives change over time. Luckily, there are a few simple ways to determine exactly what he’s after. This article will walk you through four of the most common male desires and help you understand how to create an attractive relationship that will last. But before you get started, be sure to read the following sections.


The song “Respect” by Otis Redding captures what men really want – a woman who will appreciate them for who they are and not treat them like a piece of dirt. Respect is one of the most powerful tools in a man’s arsenal. The truth is, men will do anything for a woman who shows them respect. It’s as simple as that. Men are not merely seeking adoration; they’re seeking respect, pride, and recognition.

Eggerichs surveyed a sample of 400 males and females. He found that 74 percent of males would rather be alone, disrespected, or inadequate than feeling loved and respected. Interestingly, this same study showed that the opposite was true: women would rather be left alone, disrespected, and inadequate than a man who treated them with respect. Clearly, this is a significant difference.


Women, it’s time to stop making excuses and start showing your man that you appreciate him. Men are just like baby monkeys who crave affection. You can show your appreciation in many ways, but one of the most powerful ways is to make an effort to spend quality time with him. Men feel validated when you take the time to acknowledge their hard work. If you’re looking for ways to show your man that you appreciate his hard work, try these simple tips.

Showing your man that you appreciate him can inspire him to do more and give more. When men feel appreciated, it builds their ego and inspires them to continue their efforts. Men are attracted to women who express their appreciation for their efforts. If you show your man that you appreciate his efforts, he’ll feel motivated and want to do even more for you. Whether it’s for his work, his hard work, or even his hobbies, he’ll feel good knowing that you appreciate his hard work.


If you’re not sure whether your neediness is an issue in your relationship, then you should understand why men think so. In the beginning, needy people need validation and approval from others. As such, they constantly strive to impress others and play status games in order to be desired. However, neediness is actually what men really want, so you should work to overcome this issue before you can truly have a healthy relationship.

However, you should also realize that neediness can be a sign of attraction. When women become overly needy, men can feel clingy or withdrawn. These behaviors can cause a man to feel rejected or uninterested in the relationship. To keep your attraction intact, you should learn to express your interest in men without being too needy or demanding. This way, you can nurture your attraction and make it grow.

Confidence in a relationship

Do you want to attract a man who oozes confidence? There are many ways to achieve this. The most obvious is to be true to yourself. You will exude confidence by embracing your positive traits and not hiding behind your weaknesses. Men will respect a woman who has confidence in herself and knows what she wants. When a man sees confidence in herself, he will be more likely to pursue a relationship with her.

If a man exudes confidence, his partner will feel secure in his own skin. Confidence reflects happiness and self-esteem. Confidence rubs off on his partner and makes him feel that he can do anything. That’s why confident men are more attractive to women. But how do you find the perfect man who exudes confidence? Listed below are a few ways to do that.

Men Really Want
Men Really Want
Honesty in a relationship

One of the most important traits that any man is looking for in a relationship is honesty. Men crave the same qualities in their partners as women. However, not being completely open and honest in your relationships can lead to some disastrous consequences. When you lie, your body releases the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone can affect your memory and affect your physical health. Additionally, lying reduces your white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off illnesses.

While it may feel awkward, being open and honest can create an atmosphere of safety. Be sure to respond with respect and appreciation whenever you feel uncomfortable talking to him. Avoid becoming defensive if he’s too honest. Also, women have the right to express their feelings and be heard, without being judgmental. While expressing your feelings about your partner is completely normal, it is important that both of you remain calm in a relationship and don’t feel threatened.

Clarity in a relationship

If you’re having problems in your relationship, one of the first things you should do is gain clarity. Ask your partner questions that help you understand each other better. Ask your partner what you want in a relationship. Clarity will allow you to see what’s not working in the relationship, so you can work to make changes. Identifying deal breakers and setting boundaries will help you create the relationship you truly want Men Really Want.

In order to build clarity in your relationship, remember that it’s important to honor your partner. You must treat him or her as an important part of your life Men Really Want. Never degrade your partner in any way, and don’t make your partner feel small. This question will shed some light on the current status of your relationship. If you’re having trouble with clarity, ask yourself, “Is it true that we’re meant to be together?”

Men Really Want